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Give For A Reason, Instead of a Season.

Updated: May 15, 2022

Every holiday season, we are inundated with marketing ads reminding us of the importance of giving season and how we need to pull out our wallets and give to the people we are close to and appreciate. However, giving is more than a season, and we often give for a reason much more meaningful than the timing of the year. This reason varies from person to person, but usually stems from appreciation and personal values of empathy and caring for others.

The most precious and impactful moments of giving often occur when we give with reason and intention, without expecting anything in return. One reason we give is because it’s natural for us as humans-it’s how we build relationships and connect with one another. Giving with meaningful reasons such as kindness, gratitude, and appreciation allows us to evolve and have vibrant and meaningful lives.

The next time you see an advertisement for “giving season”, think about giving for a reason instead of a season, as inspiring and impacting others has no time restriction. One way to give with a reason is to provide a “Moment,” for someone to enjoy!

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